Creedy Lake Fishing Rules
We take our water rules seriously. Take time to read them. If you don’t like them then please fish elsewhere. We believe they are best for our fish and to preserve the good health of our stock. No exemptions or warnings given.
Please be respectful of other anglers, space, fishing swims and noise levels- if in doubt-ASK
We want you to enjoy fishing at Creedy, after all…..
‘A bad days fishing……beats a good day working’.
All anglers must read the terms and conditions before fishing. Covid 19 – please bring & use hand sanitizer, observe social distancing. Booked anglers only. Entrance gates are locked during day and overnight (access for emergency only, phone bailiff 07967859343). All tickets commence 8am. The 12hr day ticket can only be purchased day before or on the day. All other tickets can be purchased in advance and can finish 8am or 8pm. You are booking a space and not a particular swim. If in doubt please do ask.
- Environment agency rod license required to fish at Creedy.
- No fishing without purchasing ticket (not transferable). All tickets purchased online only. One ticket per angler, max of 15 anglers on site. CANCELLATIONS: Full refunds will be issued if cancelled up to 10 days before (inclusive): 9-6 days (inclusive) 60% refund : 5-3 days (inclusive) 30% refund. If cancelled 0 – 2 days before start there will be no refund. Also if you do not arrive before 11am and you have not contacted us of a late arrival then your swim space may be re let. You will also need to phone for gate access.
- Removal of fish is illegal
- BARBLESS hooks only. Considerate use of bait boats allowed.
- No reserving of swims allowed (except by bailiff for wheelchair priority swim whereby if booked a sign will be present showing booked that day. If there is no sign present the swim may be fished.
- Minimum line of 10lbs, NO fixed leads ( semi-fixed allowed)
- Maximum of 2 rods per angler allowed on bank (marker float allowed as extra). Never leave your rods in the water unattended. No sharing of rods.
- Nut baits are banned. No pure seed beds (eg hemp/birdseed/pigeon seed conditioner) but maybe used in a mixed bed along with protein pellets etc.
- No rubber/plastic/artificial bait allowed (ie with no nutritional value)
- No keep nets
- All fish to be handled carefully and promptly returned to the water, no sacking allowed unless authorized by bailiff. All fish must be moved in sling or net – NEVER by hand – to avoid possible accident.
- Padded large unhooking mat only or cradle and antiseptic eg klinik or bongela must be used at all times.
- Dip tank instructions must be observed (for slings, nets and mats if last fished elsewhere). Fish health is vital, any poorly looking fish caught please contact bailiff immediately
- Large net size for main lake 36″ Minimum
- No anglers under 16 years allowed without adult
- No dogs allowed, sorry. All litter, spare bait and tackle to be removed off site including used barbecues please.
- Entry to bank for day ticket 07.30hrs, start fishing 08.00hrs,
- No saving of any swim allowed and only one swim only per angler
- No access to entrance for public. Only one booked guest allowed per angler (partner/child only) small charge applies
- Beach caster and pole fishing banned
- The management reserves the right to cancel and or refuse Admission
- Payment is taken on acknowledgement of water rules/conditions. Failure to comply will result in a ban with no refund given. All persons entering the site do so entirely at their own risk. Please read and observe all signage and report any danger, any angler breaking rules or mis handling of fish. Please log bailiff number in case of emergency. Fishing is at your own risk and is dangerous in high winds and heavy rainfall. To have a new lake record verified please call the bailiff (night or daytime) currently stands at 36lbs May’21.